Do you think communism will overcome capitalism?

Beginning around the 13th century, capitalism began its struggle to overcome feudalism. Feudal lords perceived that feudalism was the highest and last form of social control. In order to maintain their system of government, feudal lords waged war against all those who would try to over throw them. In the Renaissance, wealthy nobles and burghers continued to undermine the feudal lords. From the Renaissance on, capitalism snowballed into dominant paradigm within the world.

In last century, several countries tried to 'dialectally' jump from capitalism, over socialism, to communism for the purpose of ending the suffering caused by capitalism. Many of these so called 'communist' countries mistakenly used dictatorial means in order to stop the counter-revolution to reestablish capitalism within their own country. In other words, the masses longed for the return of their beloved capitalist and the dream they perpetuated that anyone can become a capitalist. Coupled with behavior of other capitalist counties, who refused to trade with or placed heavy restrictions on trade with these 'communist' countries, these 'communist' countries were economically destroyed.

The only way true communism can ever be tested is if the world had a long period, maybe some 300 years, in which socialism was the dominant paradigm within the world. This would assure that the capitalist would be properly trained in how to work, a fate worst than death for most capitalist, instead of tipping the scale in the favor of capitalism like they have done during the last century. Right now, capitalists perceive that capitalism is the highest and last form of social control. In order to maintain this system of government, capitalist are wagging war economically and educationally against all those who would try to over throw them. What I mean by 'educationally,' is the fact that a majority of the text books that our educators use to educate our children lack any explanation of socialistic and communistic terms or concepts.
