Application of the Critical Theory

Number of Poor and Poverty Rate

The aim of the information, contained within this page, is to destroy some of the myths surrounding poverty in the United States. More than 11% of the US population lives in poverty. Meaning, they cannot invest in the stock market, personal retirement accounts, or a college education for their children. The reason for this is found in the simple fact that the poor pay no income tax. Giving the poor a choice on how to spend the money they would save by not paying income tax is absurd. You cannot spend or invest, what you do not have. Liberating the poor's tax dollars, as the Republicans, Neo-Conservatives, Fascists, and Capitalists wish to do, would only allow the rich to get richer because they would demand the same rights as the poor. In other words, the rich would demand not to pay income tax and only a sales tax. This would, in turn, reduce the current size of the federal and state governments to a tenth of their current sizes, cripple this countries infrastructure, and eliminate all social programs for the proletariat. In short, the proletariat would be at the mercy of the 'global free market' and the whims of the high bourgeoisie.

A Note Concerning printing the graphs below: Right click on the graph, choose 'View Image,' and then print the graph in a 'landscape' setting.


Please note that the red vertical lines in the chart above have been added by the caretaker.
If you would like to know the dollar amounts of poverty, click this line.

The chart above is derived from the
U.S. Bureau of the Census,
Current Population Reports,
Series P60-210,
Poverty in the United States: 1999,
U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 2000.


The chart above is available from the
U.S. Bureau of the Census,
Poverty 2004 Graphs, at


The graph above, which has been modified to denote political distinctions
and to remove some ambiguity from the original, is from
'A year before voting, a nation of discontent,'
by Susan Page, at USA Today


The chart above is available from the
U.S. Bureau of the Census,
Poverty 2010 Graphs, at

First posted 10-30-2000
Revised 08-24-2013
